* Course Overview
Msc Finance - Choose one
- International Finance
- Investment Banking
- Commodity Trading
Gain the technical and decision-making skills you’ll need to succeed in the fast-paced financial sector. This MSc is recognised by professional bodies representing commodities, securities, equities and money markets so it’s great preparation for professional exams.
This online Masters in Finance degree is designed to meet the growing demand for professionals within the finance sector. It gives you the flexibility to achieve a qualification recognised by the financial sectors. Partnered with the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment (CISI), this course is also mapped against their formal teaching, with the option to achieve an additional qualification upon completion. Our online Finance MSc will provide you with the technical and decision-making skills necessary for a successful career in this fast-paced and highly competitive sector.

This programme is accredited by the ACT (Association of Corporate Treasurers). When you graduate from this MSc Finance, you'll earn exemptions towards ACT’s internationally recognised professional qualifications. The ACT is the only professional treasury body with a Royal Charter

The CISI is the largest and most widely respected professional body for the securities and investment profession in the UK. Our MSc Finance course has been closely mapped against the CISI’s Introduction to Investment foundation qualification

Our MSc Finance is a university affiliate programme with the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) Institute. It is closely tied to professional practice and well-suited to preparing you for the CFA examinations.
* Course Details
For the MSc, you will need to pass the three core 20-credit modules, three optional modules and the Independent Study core module worth 60 credits (180 credits in total).
Duration : 1 year
Credits : 120 CR
Entry Requirements : Diploma in Business Management
Intakes : Every month in 2020.
Delivery Method : Blended
- Blended Learning is a mix of Online to Offline education mode. Students can study all the university materials online but there is minimum offline management.
- Online lectures, webinar, and workshops.
- Independent learning
- Case Study
- Group-based work
modules :
Corporate finance examines ways in which managers can maximise the wealth of the organisation’s shareholders through selecting appropriate sources of finance consistent with its desired capital structure, managing the funds so raised and investing these in appropriate value-adding investment opportunities.
The aim of this module is to give you a critical awareness of the factors which need to be considered while selecting a source of finance to satisfy the organisations operational and investment needs, managing cash flows in order maintain optimum liquidity, making capital budgeting decisions and investment decisions under uncertainty and determining the dividend policy consistent with the needs of its investors.
Module learning outcomes
On successful completion of the module, you will be able to:
- Critically analyse the capital structure of a company
- Critically evaluate the feasibility of different investment opportunities by applying investment appraisal techniques
- Critically assess how the dividend policy of an entity effects its shareholders wealth
As a result of a range of recent corporate scandals an increased emphasis has been put on corporate social responsibility and the need for the board of directors to confirm to an ethical code of conduct while managing the affairs of an entity. Corporate governance examines the system of rules, principles and procedures through which a company is run to promote the best interest of its shareholders, other stakeholders and the wider society.
The aim of this module is to give you a critical awareness of corporate governance and ethics, their relevance within modern organisations and the mechanisms which can be adopted to improve corporate governance.
Module learning outcomes
On successful completion of the module, you will be able to:
- Critically evaluate the relevance of corporate ethics, corporate governance and corporate social responsibility within contemporary business organisations
- Critically evaluate the role played by the board of directors and other regulators in implementing checks to ensure ethical compliance by a business
- Critically evaluate how emerging trends within corporate governance can help safeguard investor rights
- Propose methods to resolve ethical dilemmas within an organisation
Independent study normally forms a significant part of a masters programme. This is a major piece of independently researched work, providing an opportunity to carry out an in-depth investigation of a management problem or issue that should normally have a strategic dimension which addresses organisational issues and provides a process for solving management problems.
Independent study will provide you with the opportunity to use and enhance the knowledge and intellectual skills gained during the course, by means of an extensive investigation of a significant management area. The module provides an opportunity for those studying any of the specialist programmes to explore an in depth topic relevant to that programme. It also provides the opportunity for you to reflect on the research experience and use what you have learned to guide your future development via a reflective statement and development plan.
As a result of developing and applying an analytical framework based on a specialist issue, you will be able to enhance your own competencies for undertaking future business, management and finance research or analysis. You will be better able to evaluate the research analysis carried out by others and better able to plan your own development.
Module learning outcomes
On completion of the module you will be able to:
- Act autonomously in designing a research project that critically evaluates a problem or issue to a professional standard. The topic should be relevant to the title of the programme and should meet the University’s ethical guidelines
- Act autonomously in critically investigating a discipline relevant issue, employing appropriate research methods to collect data, analyse, compare and draw conclusions, providing recommendations where appropriate. The topic will be relevant to the title of your programme and demonstrate the ability to connect the theory and practice
- Reflect on the process of undertaking a significant piece of independent research using the ideas and concepts from the course and plan your future development
This module aims to equip learners with an understanding of the processes and ways in which knowledge is developed, understood, and applied. As such the module initially focuses on the social and scientific construction of knowledge from an ontological and epistemological perspective. The module then focuses on methodological issues of a more applied nature in terms of different types of ‘research’, selection of research ‘problems’ and construction of aims, and fundamental methodological strategies such as qualitative versus quantitative data, deduction versus induction etc.
The evaluation of a range of research techniques and development of research skills in terms of data collection and analysis and the management of a planned project is the final element of the module.
Module Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the module you will be able to:
- Critically evaluate the application of a given research methodology in a case study context
- Consider the ethical issues that researchers may face in an applied context
Optional modules :
Commodity trading involves the trade of essential primary products such as metals, grains, oil etc. and intangibles such as interest rates, stock market indices etc. Participation in the global commodity trading business is a key mechanism used by modern organisations to accept or avoid additional risks arising due to uncertain prices of key core commodities. Given the global interconnectivity between commodity markets and capital markets, finance professionals need a sound understanding of how these markets function and the determinants of price movements and risk factors within these markets.
This module aims to critically analyse the structure and features of key commodity markets, factors which influence the prices of commodities, inherent risks associated in different commodities and the role played by key regulators in ensuring end to abusive speculation within the commodity markets.
Module learning outcomes
On successful completion of the module, you will be able to:
- Critically evaluate the functioning of different types of commodity markets and how derivatives are traded in these markets
- Specify factors which effect commodity prices
- Critically appraise the mechanisms of delivery and settlement in commodity trading
Critically evaluate the impact of key regulators and regulatory changes within the commodities market
The aim of this module is to allow you to develop a deeper understanding of the principles and strategies used by management to maximise the wealth of its shareholders. This module will give you the opportunity to examine complex investment and risk management strategies and use valuation models to assist you in meeting the expectation of the shareholders. You will be to introduced to the theoretical and empirical literature pertaining to corporate finance strategies which will enable you to address key problems faced by managers and corporate decision makers.
Module learning outcomes
On successful completion of the module, you will be able to:
- Predict the risk reducing properties of portfolios using statistical methods
- Assess the role of value based management and value based matrices in maximising the wealth of shareholders
- Predict share prices using valuation models
- Critically evaluate stock market efficiency
Prior to the 1980s, fixed income securities were purchased by investors as investment products wherein they knew the periodic interest they will be entitled to and when their principle will be repaid. Since the 1980s, however, trade in fixed income securities has become more complex. There are features in the fixed income securities which have introduced uncertainty in the repayment time of principle and which have made it difficult to estimate the periodic interest rates. The previous hold-to-maturity investors are increasingly being replaced by institutional investors who actively trade in fixed income securities.
The aim of this module is to examine the wide range of fixed income securities and their characteristics along with the strategies used in the portfolio management of these securities. In this module you will analyse the impact of interest rate on bond prices and risk management strategies used by investors.
Module learning outcomes
On successful completion of the module, you will be able to:
- Critically evaluate the effect of interest rates on bond prices
- Predict the fair price of a fixed income security using financial models
- Critically evaluate the strategies used in constructing and managing a fixed income security portfolio
- Critically analyse the structure of the international market for fixed income securities and the growth trends within these
Investment Banking